TransformerHub HC16 (Charge Only) – USB-A / USB-C

464.09 IVA Incluido

– Só Carregamento! Para 16 dispositivos (12W) –

  • Adequado para tablets que podem ser carregados via USB (12W).

  • Especificações de alimentação : 100 – 240 V – 50/60 Hz

  • Potência de carregamento : até 5V, 2.4A (12W) por porta USB

  • Transferência de dados : até 480 Mbps

  • Eletrônica de carregamento USB-C ou USB-A com autom. desligamento de carga

  • Indicador de status de carregamento LED integrado para cada porta USB
    -> Vermelho – Modo de carregamento / Verde – Totalmente carregado

  • Dimensões (A/L/P): 440 x 200 x 42mm

  • Peso : 2,4KG



Product description

The Formcase TransformerHub series is a premium product line from the Formcase brand, ranging from small electronics of up to 10 units to large electronics of up to 20 units. In between there is an additional product line, the Performance product line. Formcase Performance products are extremely powerful electronics. Performance products from Formcase reach a power of up to 60W per USB-C port.  All Formcase electronics have an on/off switch and an integrated active ventilation system for optimal cooling. Thanks to the intelligent charging technology, a timer is no longer necessary, as the Formcase electronics automatically control the charging cycle. Formcase electronics are made exclusively from the highest quality materials and ensure consistent weight optimisation due to optimal material composition. All in all, the perfect solution for your digital classroom.

Product Details

  • Intelligent USB charging electronic with autom. charging cut-off

  • Integrated LED Indicator for charging status

  • Charge Only! For 16 devices simultaneously

  • Synchronization-Function with Apple Configurator (optional)

  • Automatic smart charging

  • Supports all devices that can be charged via USB (12W)


  • Charging via USB-A or USB-C

  • Sync via Masterport and Apple Configurator


Informação adicional

Peso2.4 kg
Dimensões (C x L x A)440 × 200 × 42 cm
USB Tipo



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